Does Your AED Need CPR?
By The PHCD Team | May 31, 2019
This CPR / AED Awareness Week, join the Petaluma Health Care District in raising awareness about the importance of maintaining AEDs that are placed throughout the community. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) save lives. As part of our HeartSafe Community initiative, we want to ensure that all AEDs are rescue ready, meaning they are live and operable if there is a cardiac emergency. The only thing worse than not having an AED when you need one, is thinking you have one and discovering it is inoperable when you need it most.
Promptly administering CPR alone revives about 7% of sudden cardiac arrest victims, but when a defibrillator is used in combination with CPR, survival rates jump to 70%! That is why it is so important to not only have access to an AED, but also to make sure that AED is properly working and rescue ready.
Healthquest CPR is your one-stop shop for all your CPR, first aid and AED needs. Along with being a CPR training center and local AED vendor, we also sell a range of replacement parts and proudly connect our clients to a maintenance plan that ensures AED pads and batteries are replaced before they expire, as well as provide services like developing an emergency response plan and providing CPR certification and training. Make sure your AED is rescue ready!
Contact us for a free AED check-up or AED purchase quote: 707.766.9226 |
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