PVH Look Ahead, Look Back: May 31, 2017
By The PHCD Team | May 31, 2017
The bi-weekly update is aimed at providing information and an official perspective to all Petaluma Valley Hospital (PVH) medical staff, employees and volunteers on the work being undertaken by all three parties involved in this transaction. It is the expectation of the District that all three parties and their representatives make themselves available for important meetings and calls to keep the momentum and accomplish our common goal of a smooth transition. Please do not hesitate to contact Ramona Faith if you receive any information that is contrary to these communications or if you have concerns.
Bi-weekly update: May 31, 2017
The following actions have taken place over the past two weeks:
• A meeting was held May 19th in Santa Rosa with District, SJH and Paladin representatives to continue transition discussion and identify solutions.
• We were successful at designating the right IT components, and both SJH and Paladin are working with appropriate vendors to quantify the associated costs and solidify the timing. SJH and Paladin will both present their findings at a June 5th meeting.
• The District provided drafts of the Lease and Transfer Agreement to Paladin in early May and Paladin is reviewing.
• The District, SJH and Paladin have made comments on the Operations Transfer Agreement (OTA).
• At the May 19th meeting it was confirmed by the 3 parties that agreements will not be reached by all parties to enable the District to meet the June 2nd deadline for approving the measure. With that said, the District, SJH and Paladin and their representatives believe there should be ample time to reach agreement to meet the August 2017 deadline for a November election.
• The three parties continue to work together and are moving forward with respect to all components of SJH’s surrender of the hospital to the District and the District’s lease of it to Paladin.
The following actions are planned for the next two weeks:
• A meeting is scheduled June 5th with the District, SJH and Paladin representatives. The parties will provide an update on the work done offline regarding IT costs, Licensure and OTA.
• The District, SJH and Paladin meetings have been pre-scheduled every two weeks through July. The purpose of the meetings is to move solutions forward and reach final agreements.
• SJH and Paladin have agreed that the appropriate time to hold employee forums is when we are further along in the process. Time and energy is being spent working through the agreements.