PVH Look Ahead, Look Back: May 9, 2017
By The PHCD Team | May 9, 2017
The bi-weekly update is aimed at providing information and an official perspective to all Petaluma Valley Hospital (PVH) medical staff, employees and volunteers on the work being undertaken by all three parties involved in this transaction. It is the expectation of the District that all three parties and their representatives make themselves available for important meetings and calls to keep the momentum and accomplish our common goal of a smooth transition. Please do not hesitate to contact Ramona Faith if you receive any information that is contrary to these communications or if you have concerns.
Bi-weekly update: May 9, 2017
The following actions have taken place over the past two weeks:
• Leaders from the District, SJH and Paladin met in Santa Rosa to discuss and reach agreement on a variety of transition-related issues.
• Paladin and SJH representatives have met several times to develop an approach to transition IT services. Each party is having separate discussions with platform vendors.
• Attorneys from the District, SJH and Paladin are in discussion with the California Department of Public Health to identify the appropriate path to licensure under Paladin.
• Joel Freedman, Chairman of Paladin, and his wife attended the Petaluma Valley Hospital Foundation Benedetti Celebration and donated 10K to the Fund the Need campaign.
• The District contributed 15K to the Fund the Need campaign. The event was very well done - Petaluma at its finest.
The following actions are planned for the next two weeks:
• Meetings are ongoing between parties to reach agreements on various transition issues.
• The District and Paladin are in the process of finalizing the transfer and lease agreement.
• Paladin and SJH representatives will have a meeting, with District representatives present, to review progress made on all the areas being discussed and assessed.
• The District has asked that at this meeting a reasonable timeline for transition be discussed and confirmed.