PVH Operations Transition Update
By The PHCD Team | November 11, 2017
Keeping the community informed of the Petaluma Health Care District's efforts to transition Petaluma Valley Hospital operations to Paladin Healthcare
Latest Update: November 10, 2017
This update is aimed at providing information and an official perspective to all Petaluma Valley Hospital (PVH) medical staff, employees and volunteers on the work being undertaken by all three parties involved in this transaction. It is the expectation of the District that all three parties and their representatives make themselves available for important meetings and calls to keep the momentum and accomplish our common goal of a smooth transition. Please do not hesitate to contact Ramona Faith if you receive any information that is contrary to these communications or if you have concerns.
• After spending the majority of October serving in an emergency response capacity due to the Sonoma County fires, we reconvened with Paladin on October 30 to address outstanding issues in the Lease and Transfer Agreements to operate Petaluma Valley Hospital. The need for building and paying for a stand-alone IT system well in advance of the transfer of the hospital continues to be a major issue in the transition of operations. Discussions are ongoing.
• Petaluma Valley Hospital continues to serve the community and provide top quality inpatient and outpatient health services. It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the exceptional efforts and care our physicians, staff and volunteers provided to those impacted by the North Bay Fires, even when many of our team members were themselves directly impacted. Thank you.