Board Policy Manual - This file contains the full list of Board policies including a table of contents.
Enterprise Systems Catalog - SB 272 (Hertzberg, 2015) requires each local
agency to create a catalog of enterprise systems that store information about
the public, as defined in Government Code 6270.5, that is used by the agency
State Controller's Compensation Report 2020 - Government Code (GC) 53891
requires cities, counties and special districts to submit an annual Government Compensation
in California (GCC) report to the State Controller’s Office. Pursuant to GC 53891,
the GCC report for the previous calendar year is due no later than April 30th.
CSDA Transparency Award Certificate
ACHD Transparency Award Certificate
Government entities exist to serve the people. Special districts such as PHCD are required to conduct their public business in accordance with California Law; as well as demonstrate that they are responsible stewards of public funds.
The Brown Act: All PHCD meetings and communications shall be conducted according to California open meetings laws, also known as the Brown Act. The Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code 54950 et seq., is an act of the California State Legislature, authored by Assemblymember Ralph M. Brown and passed in 1953, that guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in all public meetings of local legislative bodies.
AB 1234 Ethics Certificate for all Trustees and Executives: Cities, counties and special districts in California are required by law (AB 1234, Chapter 700, Stats. of 2005) to provide ethics training to their local officials. The Association of California Healthcare Districts requires that healthcare districts post AB 1234 ethics certificates for all trustees and executives on their website to demonstrate the District’s commitments to ethical standards. AB 1234 Ethics Certificates for the Board Directors and CEO can be found here.
Petaluma Health Care District is committed to being a transparent organization in promoting accountability and providing District residents with information. We welcome feedback from residents regarding ways to further improve this transparency. Please e-mail your questions or comments to