PVH Transition Update: February 21, 2018
By The PHCD Team | February 22, 2018
Keeping the community informed of the Petaluma Health Care District's efforts to transition Petaluma Valley Hospital operations to Paladin Healthcare.
This update is aimed at providing information and an official perspective to all Petaluma Valley Hospital (PVH) medical staff, employees and volunteers on the work being undertaken by all three parties involved in this transaction. It is the expectation of the District that all three parties and their representatives make themselves available for important meetings and calls to keep the momentum and accomplish our common goal of a smooth transition. Please do not hesitate to contact Ramona Faith if you receive any information that is contrary to these communications or if you have concerns.
Latest Update: February 21, 2018
• The PHCD Board anticipates making a decision on Paladin’s management proposal within the next few weeks.
• The District has met with Cloudwave IT Healthcare Solutions and MEDITECH, the vendor of the current integrated EHR system at Petaluma Valley Hospital (PVH). MEDITECH will report back to the District about possible cheaper and faster solutions to segregate PVH data and transition it to a new MEDITECH system to be owned by a new operator.
• St. Joseph Health (SJH) is exploring whether it has any new models or ideas that would allow it to re-engage with the District. SJH should know more in the next several weeks.
• The District is open to re-engaging in negotiations with SJH, as we remain focused on identifying the best partner and operator for Petaluma Valley Hospital.