HeartSafe Community Membership Services
The most important part of having an AED is to make sure that it is ready to use when a cardiac emergency happens. That means making sure the battery is working and the electrode pads have not gone past their expiration date. Because they dry out after their expiration dates, the electrode pads have to be replaced periodically based on manufacture’s recommendations. Failure to do so can void your protection from the Good Samaritan laws.
We can connect you to a maintenance plan to ensure your pads and batteries are replaced before they expire, as well as provide services like developing an emergency response plan and providing CPR certification and training. As a CPR training center, we offer a variety of CPR certifications and on-site trainings, in both English and Spanish. Call us today and we’ll connect you to right service package for your needs!
Call us today at 707-766-9226 or email us at healthquest@phcd.org
Become a HeartSafe Community (HSC) Member
To ensure public safety, a person or entity that acquires an AED (purchased or donated) must comply with the federal and state rules and regulations governing the placement of an AED found in the California Senate Bill No. 658. Becoming a HeartSafe Community Member ensures AED owners are in compliance and rescue ready. Immediate CPR and AED deployment within 3-5 minutes of collapse increases sudden cardiac arrest survival rates by as much as 70%.
Find out more about our HeartSafe Community initiative.
Membership Options:
Initial Development of HSC & AED Program: $350.00 first site, $200 each additional site
- Initial Site Assessment with recommendation for AED placement/plan
- Development of Cardiac Emergency Response Plan/Cardiac Emergency Response Team (CERP & CERT)
- EMS Registration for each AED
- One individual per each membership certified in CPR/AED ($80.00 Value)
- American Heart Association or Medic First Aid CPR/AED/First Aid courses
- Annual onsite AED Demo/Compression only CPR training ( up to 10 per membership) ($250.00 Value)
- Monthly AED Maintenance email reminders
- Notification of expiration date for AED battery and pads with re-order price quote
- Post cardiac event evaluation
- Legislation Watch / Recall Assistance
- Recognition as being a HeartSafe Community Member
Annual Membership: $200.00 per site
- One individual per each membership certified CPR/AED ($80.00 Value)
- American Heart Association or Medic First Aid CPR/AED/First Aid courses
- Annual onsite AED Demo/Compression only CPR training (up to 10 students per membership) offered ($250.00 Value)
- Monthly AED Maintenance email reminders
- Notification of expiration date for AED battery and pads with re-order price quote
- Post cardiac event evaluation
- Legislation Watch / Recall Assistance
- Recognition as being a HeartSafe Community Member
Annual Membership: $100 per site (only available with documented compliance)
- Notification of expiration date for AED battery and pads with re-order price quote
- Annual onsite AED Demo for staff available for additional fee
- American Heart Association CPR/AED/First Aid courses
- Legislation Watch / Recall Assistance
- Post cardiac event evaluation
- Recognition as being a HeartSafe Community Member
- Annual HeartSafe Community Compliance review offered
CPR Certification*/Training included in HSC Membership $350 / $200 level:
- Voucher for one person to be certified in CPR or CPR/First Aid from Healthquest CPR ($80.00 value)
- Onsite 30-minute AED demo/compression-only CPR training session - 10 participants included in membership, training for additional participants available for a fee ($250.00 value)
*Certification for lay persons only, does not include BLS for the Healthcare Provider
Additional Services Available:
CPR/AED/First Aid Certification Courses and Training
- 30 minute AED Demo and Compression only CPR training session (non-certified/no card)
- CPR and First Aid courses available from our American Heart Association or Medic First Aid / CPR training center
- Purchase AEDs at competitive prices
- Replacement AED batteries and electrode pads at competitive prices
- Onsite delivery and installation of AEDs, AED batteries and electrode pads available
“Petaluma HeartSafe Community Program is instrumental in assuring our community AED owners are in compliance with the State of California regulatory requirements by providing accurate and up to date information. HeartSafe Community Program removes the public’s fears and apprehensions regarding ownership of an AED by providing education and practical assistance in placing, maintaining and operating an AED. The Program enables local community partners to meet or exceed State standards by providing resources, advocacy, training, and AED maintenance plans, all with one phone call!”
- James Salvante, Coastal Valley EMS Authority