PVH Look Ahead, Look Back: April 12, 2017
By The PHCD Team | April 12, 2017
PHCD is committed to ensuring our community is informed of our efforts to identify an operator for Petaluma Valley Hospital. To help us do that, PHCD will be providing bi-weekly updates that will reflect on our efforts during the previous two weeks and provide insight into our planned actions for the coming two weeks. These updates will available will be posted here on our blog, on our Facebook page, and via email. If you would like to sign up to receive these updates via email, please click here and send us your name and email in the body of the message.
Bi-weekly update: April 12, 2017
The following actions have taken place over the past two weeks:
• Paladin Healthcare (Paladin) and St. Joseph Health (SJH) representatives have met to continue to develop a timeline and approach for transitioning information technology services at PVH. Call will take place every two weeks to maintain momentum.
• Paladin Healthcare and SJH met to discuss transition of the IT services for PVH.
• The legal counsel from all three parties held a call to discuss the process to transition the hospital licenses from SJH to the new operator: Followup meetings are being coordinated with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to discuss the process for Medicaid and Medicare provider requirements.
• A verbal agreement has been reached between the District and SJH for SJH to extend its PVH operation timeline of PVH beyond September 1st if necessary. A finite period of time will be identified that is determined reasonable to aid in a smooth transition.
• SJH has put a hold on District-hosted employee forums at the hospital.
The following actions are planned for the next two weeks:
• Paladin and SJH representatives will have a call to refine the approach for the transition of the information technology services at PVH.
• Legal counsel will contact California Department of Public Health to advance the progress to licensure.
• Paladin, SJH and District representatives have scheduled an in-person work session to finalize the timetable and pathways for transition.
• L Barry Wolfman, CEO of Paladin, will be attending the Petaluma Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs meeting on April 21.
The following forums have been scheduled for PVH medical staff, employees and volunteers at the District office at 1425 N McDowell Blvd. to provide further updates, answer questions and provide clarity on the process for both the hospital lease and hospice:
• Wednesday, April 19 at 8 AM, 1 PM and 4 PM